
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Hamas' Qassam Brigades brag that their first murder was of a rabbi

Hamas' Felesteen newspaper has a photo essay of their new "popular army" that is being trained by the Al Qassam Brigades.

Some of the members are graduates of the high school terror training that Hamas had announced earlier this year

The accompanying article goes through the illustrious achievements of the Qassam Brigades.

According to the story, the "operation" of the Brigades was to murder the rabbi of Kfar Darom, Gaza on January 1, 1992.

Doron Shorshan
In reality, the murder was of Doron Shorshan, a farmer, shot to death as he was returning from the greenhouses. (A few months later Rabbi Shimon Biran from the same village was also murdered. )

It is most telling that Hamas (and Hamas apologist media like Middle East Monitor) want to emphasize that their first victim was. specifically, a rabbi and not a farmer or soldier. The thought that their first victim was a "rabbi" - the most Jewish of Jews to them - is what makes them proud.

Given how important symbolism is to Arabs, this proves - as if any more proof is needed - that Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups are based on Jew-hatred, not on anti-Zionism.