
Monday, November 24, 2014

Deprived Arab boy complains he cannot play soccer on Temple Mount every day

This is not a joke.

Hona Al Quds has an article about poor Mohamed Ghalib Laban, who lives in Jerusalem.

12-year old Ban likes to go with his friends to play soccer every day at his local playground, which happens to be the Temple Mount. But on some days the evil Jewish settlers come, protected by police, and he is not allowed to play, saying "Occupation police stopped us from bringing the ball when the settlers invaded, because the little ball frightened them."

The title of the article is "Mohamed Laban deprived of playing in Al Aqsa."

If it wasn't for those damn Jews who keep desecrating the Al Aqsa Mosque, young Mohamed would be able to play all he wants.

If that's not a reason for attacking the storming Jews with axes and cleavers, I don't know what is.

I imagine that Human Rights Watch will issue a 85 page report on this violation of international humanitarian law any day now.

(UPDATE: Fixed boy's name and translation, h/t Racquel)