
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

CAIR's insincere condemnation of terror attack

CAIR, the American Muslim organization that the UAE recently put on its list of terror organizations, condemned an attack on Christians in Pakistan in September using these words:

We condemn these horrific and un-Islamic attacks targeting the Christian community in Pakistan. No one with a shred of humanity would commit such despicable acts against innocent men, women and children.

And here is CAIR's condemnation of the beheading of Peter Kassig by ISIS:
Just as we have denounced previous killings of innocent civilians by the ISIS terrorist group, we condemn the barbaric murder of Peter Kassig and once again repudiate the anti-Islamic ideology that produces such brutality. We also offer our sincere condolences to Mr. Kassig’s family and loved ones.
Now, compare those condemnations with what CAIR wrote about the slaughter of Jewish worshippers on Tuesday:
We condemn this and any other attack on a house of worship and urge all parties in that holy city to refrain from actions that further inflame religious tensions.
The attack isn't "barbaric" or "un-Islamic" or "despicable," the victims aren't "innocent civilians" and the murderers aren't "terrorists." In fact, there aren't even any victims - they are only condeming an attack at a house of worship, not of the worshippers!  The word "Jews" is too odious to be written in context of their condemnation. 

In the same sentence of their bare minimum "condemnation" they blame the victims - after all, isn't Jews wanting to pray in peace and security in their land the latest excuse being used by Muslims to justify attacking them?

CAIR could not even find a way to write a complete sentence condemning the attack- just like Mahmoud Abbas' fake "condemnation."

The two earlier condemnations actually have some emotions behind them. This one for the Jerusalem attack looks like it was written under duress.

As with Abbas, they felt pressure to say something because they didn't want to be criticized for ignoring it. And just like Abbas, they said the barest minimum possible - while being able to get the media to say that they condemned it.

Why does CAIR care less about Jewish victims of Palestinian Arab violence than other civilian victims of other groups?

I think you can figure that out.