
Sunday, November 09, 2014

Bragging in Arabic about how violent the "non-violent" 1936 protests were

In the past few years, a meme has developed that the 1936 Arab revolt was a shining example of "non-violent resistance."

The lie is easy to debunk (I did it here and here.)

But it is notable that, in Arabic, Palestinians are quite proud of their violence in 1936!

I found this article in the Lebanese Palestinian Teachers website (where most teachers are, surprise, UNRWA teachers) where they claim to reveal "exclusive" photos of the revolt. And they are clearly not showing off any non-violence.

Here are some of their photos, with their captions:

Palestinian resistance attacks a train 1936

British army evacuate Jews from the city of Jerusalem during the outbreak of the revolution in 1936

Palestinian fighters during the 1936-1939 Revolution

Palestinian revolution in Jaffa in 1936

Palestinian resistance led by Commander Arif Abdul Razzaq for the years 1936-1939

Palestinian resistance attack Zionism bus in Haifa in July 1936

Palestinian resistance attack Zionism bus in Haifa in July 1936
By the way, their claim that these photos are "exclusive" is a lie -most came from the Library of Congress photo collection online.