
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Antisemitic article denies antisemitism (update)

Pan-Arab newspaper Al Quds Al Arabi has an article by Ayman Abubann entitled "Anti-semitism: The big lie of Zionism."

The author's thesis seems to be that Israelis made up the lie of anti-semitism in order to use it as a tool to shut up its critics.

And it includes this little nugget: "Historical research indicates that the Jews of Europe sowed the ground of corruption and the spread of immorality."

So if antisemitism is a Zionist plot, and Ayman Abubann is antisemitic, then he must be a Zionist!

UPDATE: No, I'm not in a different time zone and I don't have a beta copy of the infamous "Shabbos app." I intended for this to be posted Sunday afternoon and I made a mistake on the dates.