
Friday, October 24, 2014

The provocative crime of sitting while Jewish

This video, apparently taken this week, shows a Jewish man on the Temple Mount quietly sitting down.

This is, of course, an unspeakable crime.

The caption from Facebook  says "Haj Abu Badi, despite his age, does not get tired in response to the daily incursions of settlers. Here a settler is sitting and refuses to move, a provocation."

How dare someone provoke someone else?

Obviously the shouting man and the screaming woman aren't guilty of the crime of provocation, because the Jew being screamed at isn't being successfully provoked into reacting.

The logic is impeccable.

There were other videos of those Jews stomping on the precious feelings of screaming Muslim women this week.

This one might be of the same provocateur:

More generic provokers:

Here are Israeli police on the Mount, inexplicably not shooting or punching a single person.

(h/t Bob K)