
Thursday, October 30, 2014

The most heinous crime in the history of history

The latest insanity from Jordan:
Jordan on Thursday accused Israel of "state terrorism" after it closed Jerusalem's flashpoint Al-Aqsa mosque compound, the third holiest site in Islam.

Jordan's Islamic affairs minister, Hayel Daoud, denounced the Jewish state for "closing the gates of Al-Aqsa mosque and preventing the faithful from entering", state news agency Petra reported.

He urged the international community to help Jordan put pressure on Israel "to raise the terrorist blockade" imposed on the compound.

"This is a dangerous escalation by the authorities of the occupation and state terrorism that we can neither accept nor keep silent about," Daoud said.

Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas called the unprecedented closure tantamount to a "declaration of war".
The constant exaggeration of Arab leaders in coming up with new insults for Israel is a very serious crime and we can no longer remain silent.

Jordan's and Mahmoud Abbas' statements are rhetorical genocide. They are truly a critical case of verbal terrorism which violates all norms of human decency and international law. To trivialize the very meanings of words purely in order to demonize a single state is definitely the worst case of verbicide in recorded history. Words and phrases are being slaughtered en masse, and exaggerations are being expounded by the trillions, in what can only be called a language holocaust, or logocaust if you will. These highly tendentious accusations hurled daily at Israel are truly the worst thing that humanity has ever done, or is ever likely to do, in all recorded time. In the name of all that is decent, human and just, it is well past time to demand that all UN members unanimously declare these discourse criminals to be in direct violation of all international laws, treaties, agreements and customs since the beginning of recorded time.

Without every one of these things being done, many times, decent people cannot be held responsible for the natural, visceral responses they might have to being confronted with the most heinous acts ever done by human beings. And you know I am right, because it says it right here, in words, available for billions to see online.