
Monday, October 06, 2014

Muslims now claim ear-splitting calls to prayer are protected under international law

Muslims in Hebron are complaining that Israeli authorities prevented the Muslim call to prayer from the Tomb of the Patriarchs some 60 times in September.

The loud calls to prayer were disturbing the quiet prayers of Jews in what the Muslims call "usurped sections of the Ibrahimi Mosque."

In today's jaw-dropping example of Palestinian hypocrisy, Arabic media says that the decision to limit the calls to prayer "ignores the feelings of Muslims and international laws and conventions that protect holy sites and freedom of access."

If they controlled all of Hebron, guess who wouldn't have any access to the site?

If they had their way with Rachel's Tomb and the Temple Mount and the Western Wall and every other holy site, guess who would be banned altogether?

The Jews are the only ones that have allowed all religions to practice freely in the region. And they are the ones being accused of violating the exact thing they have done more successfully than anyone in the Middle East in history.

It is almost as if they just don't like Jews. (Shhhhh - you aren't allowed to say that.)

Here is an example, from 2011, showing how a rabbi giving a talk about Chanukah in the Maarat Hamachpela must use a PA system just to be heard above the din of the muezzin which starts at 0:17 and then gets louder.

Now, who's ignoring the feelings of members of other religions? Oh, sorry, I forgot - tolerance is only a one-way street for certain people.

By the way, in other Muslim nations, ordinary citizens sometimes complain about the volume of the muezzin call to prayer. It's happened in Cairo,  TunisiaDubai and Morocco. But only Jews are supposedly violating international laws when they seek to limit the decibel level of these calls to prayer.