
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Iraq arrests Saudi who joined ISIS "to free Iraq of Jews"

From Arab News:
The Iraqi Civil Defense has released a six-minute video showing the arrest of a 21-year-old Saudi national, who reportedly left Syria to join the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq to “free the land of Jews.”

Hamad Al-Tamimi had allegedly been ordered to leave the front lines in Syria and go to Iraq by the head of one of the IS battalions.

The video shows Al-Tamimi being questioned by a member of the Iraqi Army about his motives for coming to Iraq, to which he responded that he was “eager to go to Iraq after fighting in Syria.”

I don't have the translation, but here's the video:

Given that there are approximately 0 Jews in Iraq, this is an interesting perspective.

In fact, Iraqi TV claims that ISIS is Jewish, as this video showing the terror group being born from a union of the Devil and a Jewish woman shows:

That video would confuse poor Hamad even more than he already is.

As we all know, however, both Hamad and Iraqi TV really aren't talking about Jews, but about "the occupation," since that is the root cause of everything from cancer to tsunamis.

(h/t VultureTX)