
Friday, August 08, 2014

Weekly EoZ roundup

Things continued to be crazy this week at Chez Elder. Early this week was the biggest day ever for the blog, we celebrated our 20,000th post, and next week is an even bigger blog milestone.

Out of my top ten all-time posts, five have been written during this war and two of them were written this week.

One was my Pallywood expose of an (apparently) dead girl's body being used for photo-ops for journalists who knowingly went along with the scam. 25,000 people read that one.

The second was the story about the Malaysian couple who decided to have a "hate Israel" theme for their wedding.  Over 18,000 hits for that one. For a day or two, I ticked off the entire nation of Malaysia, as many angry citizens came here to spout their anger at Israel and support of the couple.

Other notable posts this week:

(I met the young woman who filmed this, Danielle Avel, at the anti-CNN rally, she's really great. She caught wind of the anti-Israel rally beforehand and she told me that they were deliberately targeting Jewish-owned businesses in New York for their "direct action.")

I think I have enough for another e-book! Maybe when this operation is really over I'll see if I can organize these.

Meanwhile, I have to work on my presentation for my upcoming talk...

Shabbat Shalom!