
Friday, August 08, 2014

Spongebob in the IDF (update)

Long time readers know that I used to use Spongebob Squarepants as part of my old logo. Alas, I had to fire him a while back because running the world sometimes involves making hard decisions.

Many EoZ fans were not happy and have been trying to get me to reinstate him, even as Spongebob  fell on hard times. I pulled some strings to get him a good job at Sabra Hummus but then I was stunned to find out that he had seemingly defected to the other side, last being seen in Ramallah even as the "unity government" was being set up.

I am happy to say that Spongebob's stint in Ramallah was actually a ruse, as he was actually working for IDF intelligence.  After  that successful mission, he was set to relax in Netanya when he was called up to serve again:

While I mull over whether to find a new position for him at my homepage, SpongeBob has been sending me more updates:

He literally laughs in the face of death!

I may have to seriously consider his application to return to his job here.

(h/t anonymous)

UPDATE: Another sighting of our spongy friend with the other troops:

(h/t Phil)