
Thursday, August 07, 2014

"Killed" Pallywood girl is alive (update - maybe not)

On Monday I reported on the Pallywood scene in Rafah, where I found video of people placing what appeared to be a dead girl next to jihadis who had been dragged closer to the UNRWA school, purely for photo-ops.

Photo of her being placed on the ground:


After she was used for one photo-op she was then used for a second one, with someone running with her down a street away from where any ambulances would be dispatched to, but in front of the cameras:

Here's AP, saying the girl was dead:, with the photo of that man down the block, slowing down after most of the cameras were behind him.

Miraculously, after being used as a prop twice, the girl was photographed dazed but alive in the hospital. 

You can see the same wound on her left hand, same pants, same shirt: (from the Hamas Ministry of Interior Facebook page):

Clearly she is injured, although it is unclear how. No visible wounds on her upper body, the second photo shows some sort of dressing on her injured hand.

So instead of getting her as quickly as possible to an ambulance, the Gazans felt it was more important to parade her around for the cameras - twice. (And maybe three times, if you count the hospital pictures.)

(h/t Irene)

UPDATE: Commenters are making a case that she is dead in these photos. I don't know enough either way. However, PCHR listed 11 names of victims outside the school. Only one of them seems to be the right age as this girl - she looks around 7 or 8 - and that is (from what I can tell) a boy's name.

1. Aya Mohammed Abu Rejel, 3, a displaced child;
2. Munther Mohammed Abu Rejel, a displaced child;
3. Saqer Bassam al-Kashef, 7, a displaced child;
4. Tariq Ziad Abu Khatla, 15, a displaced child;
5. 'Amru Tariq Abu al-Rous, 15, a displaced child;
6. Hazem 'Abdul Basset Abu Hilal, 25, the guard of the school;
7. Mohammed 'Omar 'Awaja, 30, a volunteer in the shelter;
8. Ahmed Khaled Abu Harba, 14, a peddler;
9. Yousef Akram al-Eskafi, 16, a peddler; and
10. Ahmed Kamal al-Nahhal, 25; and
11. Ismail Sameer Shallouf, 17, both were traveling on a motorbike.
I did not see any mention of a child in Rafah succumbing to wounds on the following day's list.

If she is really dead, it looks like she wasn't killed at the school.