
Monday, July 07, 2014

Palestinians jump on the "ISIS is Zionist" bandwagon

In the Arab world, the best way to insult your enemy is to declare him "Zionist." Sisi's supporters in Egypt call Morsi a Zionist, while the Muslim Brotherhood calls Sisi a Zionist. Syrians call the Islamist rebels Zionist while the rebels call Assad Zionist. Hamas calls Fatah Zionist and Fatah returns the insult.

One of the most prevalent themes lately in the Muslim world is that ISIS was created by Israel (and the West.)

Now, it looks like Palestinian Arabs have joined the party.

This (pretty funny) satirical video from Al Falatiniya TV shows ISIS members looking for excuses to kill every passerby for not being Muslim enough, with the punchline in the end that they happily greet an Israeli.

ISIS, naturally, responds to these slanders by calling for a new Holocaust against Jews to bolster its antisemitic bona fides.

(h/t MEMRI)