
Sunday, July 06, 2014

Nice shooting! Two terrorists killed in Gaza (UPDATE: Nine) (UPDATE x3)

Two terrorists who were involved in shooting rockets to Israel were killed by an Israeli airstrike on Sunday evening.

Ma'an says:
Two members of al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad movement, were killed as Israeli warplanes struck al-Bureij refugee camp.

The two were identified as Mazen al-Hadba and Marwan Salim.
Palestine Press Agency says they were members of the al-Husseini wing of the Fatah movement.

Palestine Today says that the Popular Resistance Committees stated that they survived a raid and managed to shoot some rockets at a "settlement."

UPDATE:  Felesteen reports that seven Hamas terrorists were killed in a targeted attack by Israel early Monday morning.

No civilian casualties reported.

Gaza terrorists shot 25 rockets at Israel on Sunday. It may be time to bring back my Qassam rocket calendar.

UPDATE 2: The IDF denies striking the Hamas tunnel where the seven were killed and assumes it was a "work accident."

If true, then the number of Palestinian Arab killed by each other this year in work accidents, misfired rockets and executions is at 38.

(h/t Yenta)

UPDATE 3: Looks like an IDF operation from several days ago that resulted in the explosions last night. (h/t Bob K)