
Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Abbas spokesman implies that rockets aimed at Tel Aviv are "defensive"

Ma'an reports:
A Presidential spokesman on Tuesday condemned Israel's escalation of airstrikes on Gaza, saying Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.

Israel's new operation is a "declaration of war on Palestinians and the Israeli authority alone will bear the consequences," Nabil Abu Rudeineh said in a statement.

"Palestinians have the right to defend themselves by all legitimate means," Abu Rudeineh said, calling the new assault on Gaza an "open massacre" against children, women, and the elderly.

Palestinian officials will make "fateful decisions" to defend their people, he added.
What exactly does that mean? Since it is a threat against Israel, it must mean that the PLO's definition of "defending itself" is to attack Israel. And since Gazans have no weapons to effectively target soldiers, it sounds like tacit support for the barrage of rockets that most of Israel has been having to deal with. Possibly also kidnappings. (Unless Abbas plans to  instruct his security forces in the West Bank to start shooting at IDF forces there, and I don't think he is that stupid.)

A hint might come from this unintentionally funny video by the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, which is part of - who else - Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah.

The software that they used did not understand that Hebrew is read from right to left, so all the Hebrew threats are backwards. Even then, they make some major mistakes.