
Monday, June 23, 2014

PA official trashes Hanin Zoabi

This is too funny:

Balad MK Hanin Zoabi accused Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas over the weekend of "betraying the Palestinian people" by cooperating with Israeli security forces.

Appearing on "Meet the Press" on Channel 2, Zoabi voiced her malcontent with Abbas. "I do not agree with him. I disagree with the positions he takes and his strategy, if he even has one. Abbas has reached a point of not just coordinating security but coordinating politically as well. His and the Palestinian Authority's goal is to strengthen their hold on power. My fight as a Palestinian is to end the occupation. We do not agree with Abbas' path on political grounds," she said.

The Palestinian Authority refused to release an official response to Zoabi's statements. However, a senior official from Abbas' office told Israel Hayom, "This is populist demagogue at its lowest level. We do not comment on what she says because she is not worth a response or attention. She is a sad person and there is nothing to do but feel sorry for her, she should be happy that she is your problem and not ours. She was never a welcome guest for the Palestinians and never will be. Even her 'beloved' Hamas sees her as a [Israeli] collaborator and nothing more."
Even Palestinian Arabs consider Zoabi to be beneath contempt.

(h/t Yoel)