
Thursday, April 24, 2014

"Zionist pigs" travel from official Arab media to Mondoweiss

"Even I laugh at these idiots"
From Palestinian Media agency Al Ray:
Palestinian farmers in Salfit district appealed all Palestinian and international bodies to stop the continued destruction of their crops caused by the Israeli pigs in the district.

Farmers said '' We have encountered heavy losses in our wheat and barley crops, where the pigs destroyed them completely''.

Framers added '' We tried to get rid of the pigs with all available ways but we have failed'', pointing out the only way is to shoot them; which is difficult due to the IOF monitoring towers and checkpoints in the area.

Palestinian researcher Khaled Maali explained that the settlers found launching wild pigs toward the Palestinian farmlands was the best effective way to fight the Palestinian farmers without significant cost.

Maali pointed out that the occupation prevents the Palestinians from shooting the pigs, whereas it permits settlers to kill the pigs when they reach their colonial settlements.
Yes, Israelis raise wild pigs to attack Palestinian farmers, and the IDF defends the pigs against being shot by Arabs, but the Jews who spent all that effort raising them can shoot them dead if they stray from their lessons of only attacking Arab farms.

It is an interesting economic model.

Here's my favorite part:
These Israeli settler assaults are in direct violation of international humanitarian law, and of Israel's obligations under international law as an occupying power.
You know, the famous Zionist Pig Clause in the Fourth Geneva Conventions.

Anyway, this story naturally traveled from Al Ray to the absurd IMEMC "news" site.

From IMEMC the story went to that paragon of honesty, Hamas' Al Qassam Brigades.

And also from the IMEMC, the story was reported by the equally accurate news source relied upon by thousands of Israel-hating morons, none other than Mondoweiss,

Will Mondoweiss "reporter" Max Blumenthal put the story in his next book? It certainly meets his standards of accuracy!

(h/t Israellycool via NormanF)