
Wednesday, April 02, 2014

In case you missed it... (EoZ newsfeed problems now fixed)

My RSS feeds were broken over the past few days. Hundreds (maybe thousands) of EoZ fans who use newsreaders like Feedly and who subscribe to email digests did not get to see some good and important posts, and this weekend in particular had some very notable ones.

Here is a roundup of what you may have missed.

A fun Twitter conversation with a terror apologist/anti-Israel leftist 

And its followup:
Where a prominent anti-Israel ideologue makes the mistake of insulting me on Twitter.
Because it would be terrible to actually sponsor something that makes Jews look like they ever suffered.
A tour de force by Bob Knot, and the most popular post of the week.
Saving the world, again.

The paper of record.
Amazing how that works out.
Darn sheep!

But I thought they had nothing against Jews!

But who listens to what they say, anyway?