
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Zionist hamsters, albino mice and Talmudic pigs!

It's been months since we have seen the claims of Palestinian Arabs that Israel releases wild boars specifically to attack their crops. (Mahmoud Abbas made the same claim in a much heralded 2011 speech and the media ignored it.)

Apparently, Jordan is plagued with being attacked by these boars, so they now know who to blame!

Mustaqila quotes Jordanian media outlets as saying that Israel sends wild boars to Jordanian territory to sabotage their crops of Jordanians, and destroy the agriculture of Jordan.

The author says that Israel used to attack Jordan with planes, but now it attacks the nation with pigs.

Similarly, we are told, after Israel signed the peace agreement with Egypt, they conspired to destroy Egypt economically by releasing starving hamsters and albino mice into Egypt to ravage their crops.

The climax of the article:

According to the views of experts in science and epidemiology, the Israeli pigs' sabotage mission is a cornerstone of the Talmud and the Torah, which says in one of the texts: "Send diseases to your neighbors," and the neighbor here means a non-Jew, because Jewish law forbids damaging fellow Jews but they can attack non-Jews.

Ah, so raising wild pigs to attack gentiles is a Talmudic edict! I missed that the first time I went through Talmud, but I'll keep an eye out for it this time. It's good to know these obscure mitzvot.