
Friday, March 21, 2014

The "human rights" activist who loves terrorism

One of the underlying principles of the "peace process" is that everyone is fundamentally decent and wants peace between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. The Palestinians are just like us and it is racist to suggest otherwise - they have the same dreams and hopes and aspirations and desires to live in a peaceful world.

Here's an anecdote from this week that should cause one to think twice about this assumption.

From "Dr. Ramy Abdu" on Facebook, March 18:
This morning at 3:20am, Palestinian Security forces raided Human Rights defender Wasef Al-qadah’s family home in Nablus and arrested him.

From "Hanine Hs" on Facebook, March 18:
Just woke up to the phone call that thugs from the Palestinian Authority security forces are raiding the home of friend and colleague واصف قدح Wasef Qadh, Lecturer at the Najah University in Nablus. There is no difference between the thugs of the Palestinian Authority and the Israeli occupying forces. Both are terrorists, applying arbitrary arrests on the freedoms to live and speak!
Who is Wasef al-Qadah?

Al-Qadah  is a lecturer at An Najah University. He also works for the the NGO called the Euro-Mid Observer for Human Rights. He is getting married today. In other words, al-Qadah is an upstanding citizen, a role model for all, and a shining example of the type of person that Palestinian Arabs would look up to.

Admittedly, the Euro-Mid observer is one of many NGOs whose entire existence (and funding) is dependent on them writing absurd anti-Israel reports. Last December they released a report blaming Israel for Gaza men abusing their wives. His name is listed as the registrar for their website.

So why was this fine citizen arrested on the 18th by the equally decent Palestinian Arab security forces?

Because this "human rights defender" is a supporter of Hamas, and the PA apparently didn't want him to participate in the funeral for a Hamas leader whose body was returned by Israel this week.

Yes, there was a large funeral for Muhammad Hambali, a senior Hamas commander who was responsible for the deaths of at least 20 Israelis and who was killed in a shootout in Nablus in 2003.

And "human rights defender" Wasef al-Qadah celebrated terrorist Hambali on his own Facebook page:

In the parallel universe of the Palestinian  Authority, a university lecturer and "human rights" leader can also be a supporter of a murderer and a terrorist. There is no contradiction. "Human rights" and killing Jews are one and the same. 

Al-Qadah was released after the funeral.

It is not like Wasef al Qadah is unique in this respect. He is typical. In fact, he is a role model! Other Western-supported NGOs have openly embraced terror as "legitimate resistance" and there is barely a peep of protest except in rare cases when the funders are forced to make a statement about it.

If you look through Palestinian Arab media  and NGO statements this week to find a single voice condemning Hamas commander Muhammad Hambali and the adoration he received at his funeral, you will come up empty. In fact, you will find nothing but praise for this "hero."

There can be no peace with people for whom this terror-supporting mindset is considered admirable. And it is way past time for Western analysts and pundits to wake up and understand this self-evident fact.

(h/t Bob Knot)