
Sunday, March 02, 2014

Roundup of last week

Last week was a pretty good week for EoZ.

It started with the news that the "Khazar" theory was thoroughly debunked by the same people whose data was misused by a publicity-seeker who set out initially to prove the stupid theory before even gathering the evidence. The excellent PreOccupied Territory site, which is quickly becoming a Zionist Onion, even made fun of me for posting it!

Then I had my scoop about the "secret" ASA meeting at NYU this week. That story made it to JTA and was published in Times of Israel and elsewhere, and others ran with it.

Given that this was the first of who knows how many "Israel Apartheid Weeks," I added to my viral poster series, which is still getting more hits daily than my other articles.

I was one of many who went after US ambassador to the UN Samantha Power for her idiotic Daniel Pearl tweet, although I may have been the first to write an article about it.

Another scoop was finding out about State Department official Shaun Casey, who made a silent trip to the Middle East and met with some very anti-Israel figures. The State Department responded, badly, with generic diplospeak. But the more I and others look at this story, the worse it gets.

I went after Haaretz for exaggerating the number of Israelis who boycott some Israelis.

I went after Peter Beinart for demanding right wing Zionists do things that leftists would never do.

I went after AP for its bias.

And I went after Amnesty International for their clear and provable anti-Israel bias.

There were also two historical pieces about previous boycotts of Jews in the region, and how they worked out.

The most popular post of the week was UCLA Meltdown Girl, and while it was funny (to most,) it teaches a serious lesson.

I exposed a major new UN document that is almost laughable in how it embraces Arab lies.

Finally, I revealed a most disgusting and hushed-up facet of Palestinian Arab society, the phenomenon of "honor hysterectomies," where families tell doctors that their daughters are mentally ill in order to sterilize them. Besides how disgusting this practice is, the contrast between how this story is ignored and how lies about Israel are publicized is insane.

Not too shabby. No wonder I am making Israel haters nervous.