
Wednesday, March 05, 2014

"Protocols" still a popular topic in Arabic media

After I posted my earlier story from an Egyptian newspaper claiming that anyone who ridicules the supposed AIDS cure devised by the Egyptian Army is actually following Protocol 6 of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, I decided to see if any other Arab media has been pushing that classic antisemitic meme in the past few weeks.

Was there even a question?

Ma'an Arabic last month published a lengthy op-ed that went through the entire fake history of the Protocols, except, of course, the author was serious.

An Iraqi paper reported a bizarre story (really, rumor)  that a convoy of 60 trucks from Jordan meant to supply al Qaeda terrorists in Syria mysteriously disappeared. However, it mentions that they were supporting the Jewish plot to expand Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates, as the Protocols says.

A Syrian government news site also went through the history of the Protocols and also accused Syrian rebels of adhering to the text.

Palestinian Arab Quds Press also has a lengthy description of the Protocols and the Israeli government is following them to a T.

During the same timeframe, there was not one article disputing the truth of the famous forgery.