
Thursday, March 06, 2014

Egyptian lawyer sues to declare Israel a "terrorist state"

From Hezbollah's Al Manar:

An Egyptian court has slated March 26 for the first hearing of a lawsuit demanding that Egypt sever ties with neighboring Zionist entity and designate it a "terrorist state," according to the lawyer who raised the lawsuit, World Bulletin website reported.

Lawyer Hamed Seddiq told media outlets on Thursday that he had filed a lawsuit requesting that Egyptian authorities ban all "Israeli activity" in Egypt and declare the entity a "terrorist country."

The ban, said Seddiq, would include shutting down Tel Aviv's diplomatic offices in Egypt, including its Cairo embassy.

On Tuesday, the same Cairo court that will preside over the case released a verdict outlawing the activities of Palestinian resistance faction Hamas in Egypt and ordering all of the group's Egypt offices closed.

"The real terrorists are the Israelis, who have killed Palestinians and Arabs for refusing to recognize them," Seddiq said, adding that "listing Israel as a terrorist state is a national duty to protect [Egypt's] territorial unity."
What Al Manar doesn't mention is that this lawyer, Hamed Seddiq, is the Muslim Brotherhood's lawyer!

From what I can tell, Egyptian courts have thrown out every case he had brought since the coup. But anti-Israel sentiment is very high in Egypt, so this might be worth watching - if Seddiq isn't thrown in jail beforehand....