
Sunday, March 09, 2014

"Destroy the hopes of 'Palestinian return'"

From Ben Dror Yemini in Maariv, quoting Mati Golan in Globes:
I used to think that Binyamin Netanyahu's requirement to recognize Israel as a Jewish state is unnecessary, but lately I have heard things that made ​​me see things differently and I've changed my mind. Mostly from Palestinian leaders in responseto this demand.

Now it seems to me that not only is this demand not unnecessary, but it's actually the essence of the negotiations. This is not some quirk or Bibi trick, but the substance. Recognition of the Jewishness of the state defines recognition in all areas - Israel's existence, borders, [everything.]

The more Palestinians oppose recognition, the more necessary it becomes. What does it say when they do not want it? It means that for them there in another country, where there are a majority of Jews today, tomorrow it can (and should) be Palestinian or anything, just not Jewish. That is, the refusal to recognize Jewish state is not just a semantic issue, it means that for them Israel exists for them conditionally.

Once the majority is Arab Palestinian, she will not be the state of Israel. That is, the Arab position is not ethnic, not just religious - is simply a strategy, how to destroy a state without firing a shot, with only patience and forbearance.

Palestinians know and believe that if they are only given time they will become the majority. Not just by birth, but also through the "right of return of refugees." Nabil Shaath said so explicitly yesterday: "Netanyahu is not interested in solving the refugee problem and requires that we recognize the state of Israel as a Jewish state." Here is the Palestinian equation: non-recognition of the Jewish state = return of refugees.

Therein lies the immense importance of the demand for recognition. As long as the Palestinians continue to dream of the "return of refugees" to "their land," there can be no peace and there nothing resembling peace. We in Israel must be assured that they intend real peace, and not giving them time to take over the country.

If they were really aiming for peace, there should not be a problem for them to recognize the Jewish state. But they hope ... and the existence of this hope is basically a declaration of war on us...

Therefore, this hope should be eliminated before giving up land or anything else. We need to know the dream of return is no longer available. Only then can we be "two states for two peoples", and not two countries for the Palestinian people.

(h/t YM, Bob Knot [corrected source])