
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Egypt divided: is Muslim Brotherhood as bad as the Jews, or even worse?

Egypt's former Mufti Ali Gomaa, considered a moderate, has slammed the Muslim Brotherhood by comparing them to Jews. He said that just as Jews consider themselves to be the Chosen People, so do the members of the Brotherhood think they are better than other Muslims.

But  Ibrahim Abaza, a leader of the Salafists in Egypt, said that the Muslim Brotherhood is even worse than the Jews are. You see, the jews are an external enemy and they don't influence Muslims to act contrary to their religion, but the Brotherhood is more dangerous to Islam than the Jews becsuse they are tearing Islam aparts from the inside, and contributing ignorance and stupidity and deviation of Islamic doctrine and deviant ideas among the people of Islam.

It feels so important to be the yardstick of evil for 1.5 billion people.