
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Report: Fatah's Al Aqsa Brigades plans new terror spree on Friday (update)

Palestine Today and other Arabic media report on, and reproducesa copy of, a communique from Fatah's Al Aqsa Martyr's Brigades that says that they are giving the "green light" to resume commando operations against Israel and Jews in the territories. The message also refers to Jews visiting the Temple Mount as being one of their grave complaints.

Only one problem: This communique is not mentioned on the Al Aqsa Brigades' websites I am aware of.

Palestine Today is associated with Islamic Jihad, not Fatah.

It might still be true - there are a few offshoots of the organization.

"Moderate" PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas has never done anything about dismantling this terror group that operates under his own Fatah party, although he claimed that he did.

UPDATE: JPost reports:
The leaflet was apparently issued by Fatah activists in the Gaza Strip, a Fatah official in the West Bank said.

He said he did not believe that the group’s West Bank branch had been consulted about the call for resuming terror attacks against Israel.
This explains why it was not mentioned in the Nedal/Al Aqsa Brigades site.