
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Once again, Palestinian Arab support for terrorism is the highest in the world

Pew Research just released their latest Global Attitudes report on how the Muslim world views extremist groups and terrorism.

Once again, Palestinian Arab Muslims are found to support terrorism and have a higher regard for terrorist than any other group. By far.

PalArabs show more than twice the support compared to any other Sunni population surveyed!

Here is how they compare to other groups over the past 11 years:

Similarly, Palestinian Arab Muslims rank highest  - by a significant margin - in their support for Al Qaeda:

Palestinian Arab support for Hezbollah is also the highest, along with Lebanese Muslims. (If you factor in Christians, clearly the Palestinian Arab numbers would be even higher than Lebanese.)

Even the Taliban get more support from Palestinian Arabs than any other Muslim group!

These results have been consistent for years. But they make no dent in the brains of enlightened Westerners who really, truly believe that Palestinian Arabs are moderate, that they want peace, and that they do not support terror.

Mere facts and figures cannot displace the enormous amount of emotional investment in the false religion of the "peace process" - which necessarily requires a belief in the fairy tale that the Palestinian Arab side loves peace.

The truth cannot be discarded when it is inconvenient, but that has been exactly the attitude of the West regarding Palestinian Arabs for some forty years now.

(h/t Ian)