
Monday, September 02, 2013

Ma'an implies mosque preceded Tomb of the Patriarchs

At the end of an article about Arab protests against Jews living in Hebron, Ma'an gives some background, Muslim-propaganda style:

The Israeli military-controlled H2 zone includes the ancient Old City, home of the revered Ibrahimi Mosque -- also split into a synagogue referred to as the Tomb of the Patriarchs.
No, the entire site has been known as Tomb of the Patriarchs for 2000 years before Mohammed was born. The ever-liberal Muslims didn't allow Jews to enter their second-holiest place for hundreds of years.

Then again, Ma'an also says "Settlers in the property have committed frequent acts of violence against local Palestinians since occupying the property, including arson attacks and physical assaults, according to Christian Peacemaker Teams." without mentioning that Arabs have murdered quite a few Jews in Hebron over the years.

Oh, you mean you expected Ma'an to be truthful?

By the way, I couldn't find any video of the protests mentioned in the article. There was a protest in Hebron against American involvement in Syria, though, that was just as large ("dozens."). Why cover one and not the other?