
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Arabs kill Arabs, and it's all the Jews' fault

Al Ahram reports:

Six soldiers were killed on Wednesday morning in a double suicide car bomb attack at a military intelligence headquarters and a nearby military checkpoint in the northern Sinai town of Rafah.

Earlier reports by state news agency MENA and Egyptian state TV said eleven people were killed, but this was later denied by a military source.

Ten solidiers and seven civilians were also wounded in the "treacherous blast targeting security forces," army spokesperson Ahmed Ali said.

After the initial blast, which shattered the main gate of the military facility and ripped through parts of its railings, unknown assailants fired rocket-propelled grenades at the building, state TV said.

A second suicide car bomb hit a nearby army checkpoint minutes after the first attack.
Al Moslim reports that a group called "Supporters of Jerusalem" ("Ansar al Bayt Al Maqdis") has taken credit for the attacks. They say that they attacked because there is an "all-out war on Islam" in Egypt, spearheaded by "secularists and atheists and hypocrites and the Crusaders [Christians]" in Egypt, joined with the Jews and the West.

They also say that the army has been attacking Islamists in the Sinai by falsely claiming that they are terrorists and criminals, when the truth is that the army's real goal is "securing the border region with the Zionist side, and making a buffer zone to protect Jews from any threats from militants in the Sinai, and prevent any strikes of the Mujahideen against the Jews."

By the logic of Arabs, Islamists and Western proponents of "realpolitik," Arabs killing Arabs because of Jews is a good reason for Israel to be dismantled.