
Monday, August 26, 2013

New PalArab cultural magazine won't allow criticism of PA

Palestine Press Agency reports that Al Kalima, a defunct Palestinian Arab literary magazine, is being resurrected, to address the lack of a specifically Palestinian Arab voice.

The announcement, by the General Union of Palestinian Writers, states that the new quarterly magazine will "welcome all submissions that are consistent with the Palestinian National Line" and adhere to contemporary literary standards.

In most countries, artists are the ones in the forefront of criticism of the leadership. In the Palestinian Arab territories, the artists are the first ones to say that the major purpose of their writings is to support their rulers and to quash any criticism.

This small unimportant announcement shows how little freedom of expression really exists under Mahmoud Abbas.

Yesterday, Abbas said how important freedom of expression is to some handpicked journalists who agree with him, even as others protested how the PA doesn't let journalists do their jobs.