
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Conspiracy Theory of the Day: Israel caused Sandy and Katrina

A writer at Al Tagheer was evidently perusing anti-semitic websites in search for material when he stumbled onto an amazing find: Israel controls the weather, and regularly attacks the US with hurricanes!

While his version seems to be somewhat embellished, I found a conspiracy site that describes this theory in English so you can get the basics:
First of all, we need to establish, without ANY REASONABLE DOUBT – the very basic, foundational premise of the accusation – that a nation-state can indeed employ technology to create and then direct a massive “Frankenstorm’ such as “Sandy”. Let’s begin there.

The average American is blissfully unaware that a man named Nicola Tesla successfully demonstrated a device and a process for precise “weather modification” to various world leaders back in the early 1920′s. For obvious reasons, Tesla’s device and process was immediately stamped “Above Top Secret” – imagine the POWER such a technology could bring to the world’s “Military-Industrialist Complex”. Sadly, not only did Tesla share his device with American military brass, the Russian Bolshevik leaders also received the technology from their Wall Street compatriot “Zionist” agents – and they quickly began perfecting Tesla’s science and technology during the 1930′s and 40′s.

Then came the “Cold War” years. The Soviet Bloc, ruled by Communist Jews, had established their satellite rogue nation-state called Israel in the Middle East in 1948. Aided by the French Zionists, Israel became a nuclear-armed nation 16 years later in 1963 as they successfully built their Dimona nuclear weapons facility against the vociferous objections of President John Kennedy. Aided by their Soviet Jew brethren, there is little doubt that Israel not only built nukes, but also became the epicenter of weather modification applications and international BLACKMAIL operations. It is also highly likely that Kennedy’s position demanding Dimona international inspections was the primary factor leading to his assassination by joint MOSSAD and CIA hit men.

I know – I know – I can hear the cognitive dissonance at work in you, the reader’s brain. “This is the WILDEST, CRAZIEST “Conspiracy Theory” I have ever heard.” It’s just plain “nuts”. After all, Israel is “God’s Chosen Nation” and the world’s Jews are “God’s Chosen People”, right?
After discussing at length a (real) UN resolution to prohibit military use of climate change techniques, the writer continues:
Of course, the lying apologists for the Reprobate State (Israel) will declare, and want you to believe, that this treaty was merely a hypothetical exercise – an agreement to never develop such Dr. Strangelove weaponry. No, no, no, dear reader – the fact is that massively effective “weather control” technology was most definitely refined and available during the decade of the 60′s, and President Nixon’s Joint Chiefs at the Pentagon clearly saw the real and present danger such weaponry posed to the entire planet. Do you really believe that the United Nations would spend such massive time, energy, and money on a treaty to outlaw a hypothetical, mere possibility? Of course not.
He's got us lying apologists pegged!

I saw a similar article at the antisemitic Rense site.

The Arabic article goes on to point out that every major storm to hit the US coincided with a  peace conference or some other major Middle East event like the withdrawal from Gaza.  Incredible!

It took a few months, but now the Arab media has picked up on it, saying that Israel is blackmailing the US by controlling the weather, I guess to get the US to do what Israel wants, or something. Since the US is already Israel's puppet according to these same people  I'm not sure why Israel unleashed Sandy, unless it was just to make sure that Obama knew who was the boss. Or something.

It all makes sense when you have spittle coming out of your mouth from righteous indignation against Jooooz.