
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Report: Syria gassed Palestinian Arabs in Yarmouk, killing 22. "Pro-Palestinian" groups silent.

From JPost:
Syrian opposition activists say that the military has used chemical weapons against the Al Yarmouk district of Damascus, an area of the city comprised predominantly of Palestinian refugees, Israel Radio reported.

Palestinian sources said that 22 people have been killed in the area, most from inhalation of poisonous gases.
The Syrian Coalition press release says:
According to video footage uploaded by activists inside the capital of Damascus, Assad’s forces are using chemical and toxic gas bombs to shell the Yarmouk Palestinian Camp. The strategic, systematic use of chemical weapons in order to achieve military gains only proves the desperate state that Assad’s regime has reached.
Arabic media also indicates 22 victims.

Here is a news report that supposedly shows victims of the attacks:

As usual, the "pro-Palestinian" crowd is utterly silent about this potential war crime against the people they pretend to love. Use the phrase "white phosphorus" and they are up in arms, but actual poison gas doesn't cause a ripple in their moral compasses.

Because their concern isn't for the victims, but in the religion of the attackers.