
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Arab Times fantasizes a Ben Gurion quote and a Jewish Brotherhood plot

Here's an editorial from the editor of the Arab Times (Kuwait), Ahmed Al-Jarallah. I'm posting the whole thing because otherwise you might not believe that any educated person can be this freaking nuts:

DAVID BEN-GURION was quoted as saying during the inauguration of Dimona nuclear reactor in 1963, “It is not important to have a nuclear bomb or even 200 nuclear heads because they will not do us any good. It is better to neutralize Egypt, Syria and Iraq to guarantee our existence and power in the land of our ancestors.” Ben-Gurion’s statement was taken from the writings of the Zionist Movement which, from the beginning, has been keen on dismantling the Arab world to ease procedures for the establishment of the Jewish state in Palestine. The movement played a crucial role in the Sykes-Pico Agreement and instigated conflicts between the citizens of one nation. It has also recruited some Arabs and used them as tools in implementing its plans.

Hassan Al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood who was influenced by the Masons, and some other Egyptians formed the Islamic Movement as a substitute to the Zionist group and to justify the Jewish radicalism. Thus, the Brotherhood was formed to engage in violence acts, as manifested in its activities throughout the years; while propagating atheist ideas which are not related to religion at all.

These are the Brotherhood members; they are terrorists and blood traders. They have created a religion for themselves based on murder and terror. They have grown under the patronage and within the embrace of colonial embassies. Therefore, it is not strange if we see them converting Egypt’s streets into pools of blood because they carry out the instructions of their masters from the Zionist group that have the word in successive American administrations, which inherited guardianship over the movement from the British occupiers.

While the British occupiers were laying down plans for the Brotherhood to implement, the successive American administrations have been playing the same role, starting from Al-Nuqrashi Pasha, the attempt to assassinate late President Jamal Abdulnassar, and the assassination of late President Anwar Al-Sadat; in addition to several bombings and destructive operations.
Considering the bloody history of the Brotherhood, are the Arabs sure that the Jewish want to use this tool to destroy their world? Didn’t the countries, which empowered the Brotherhood members, sink in chaos, blood and economic crises like Tunisia, Libya and Egypt whose collapse is believed to pave the way for the group to control other Arab countries, particularly the GCC nations that have the biggest oil reserves in the world?

They made us live in constant fear of an internal enemy. The Brotherhood cells did not spare any effort to wreak havoc in Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Oman by instigating chaos just to execute their plans. Luckily, the governments of these countries have foiled such attempts.

Have the Arabs realized that the American policy in the Middle East is unreasonable and it is against their interests, except when it was forced to support the Kuwaiti side after seeing the entire world backing up the right move? Doesn’t the US support the Brotherhood in confronting millions of Egyptians who rejected the ruling of the Morshid — the supreme leader of the Brotherhood? It has even threatened to stop granting aid to Egypt if Morsi is not reinstated even if the people toppled him. Nevertheless, the people of Egypt have spoken, asserting their country will be totally different after June 30. They have thwarted the Brotherhood-Zionist plot to destroy the Arab World.

As Ramadan approaches, Egypt managed to liberate itself from the claws of the Brotherhood gang. We hope all the Arab countries will be free from the group by the beginning of Eid Al-Fitr. This group made Egypt busy dealing with its violent acts, up to the point that the nation almost forgot the Palestinian cause. It did not prioritize providing protection to the Syrians whose revolution has become an internal affair. Moreover, it did not care about the Iranian nuclear threat; while Israel became more powerful, stable and stronger at a time when Jerusalem is being suffocated by the siege of colonies as part of the Zionism dominance plot.

The Brotherhood crimes, which the Arab world has been witnessing for 50 years, are mere applications of Ben-Gurion’s wish. Do the Arabs need more destructive and bloody pieces of evidence before they decide to uproot the group, which spills the forbidden blood even during the holy month using religion as its cover?
Al Jarallah has been against the Muslim Brotherhood for decades, and he has survived at least two attempts on his life by the Islamists. Yet he takes as a given that the only way that Islamists can act as they do is because they are controlled by the Jews! His argument for the Arabs to uproot the group is not because they are crazed Islamist, but because they are proxies of the Jews!

Here's the kicker: Al-Jarallah has stated that the Arab world should recognize Israel and that Mahmoud Abbas should negotiate without preconditions. (Of course, he said the reason for the latter was "to cause international embarrassment for Israel.") Nevertheless, the person giving the most sane advice to the Arab world is still an insane Jew-hater himself. (He doesn't seem too appreciative that the US saved his country, either.)

In case you are wondering, the Ben Gurion quote is made up. Apparently, it was made up specifically for this article, since there is no record of it anywhere else.