
Friday, June 21, 2013

Video: Hezbollah forcibly tattooing Shiite slogan on Syrian refugee in Lebanon - as a warning

If true, this is gruesome:

A disturbing video has surfaced on the Internet.... It appears to show an alleged Hezbollah supportet forcibly tattooing the phrase, “Oh father of Abdullah, Hussein,” a reference to the revered imam of Shia Islam, onto the forehead of an unidentified man who appears to be Syrian.

The person who posted the video – which could not be independently verified - claims that the tattoo artist is a Hezbollah supporter.

The man receiving the tattoo – apparently by force – looks subdued and can be seen being slapped in the face several times during the video. Below is a translation of what the tattoo artist can be heard saying as he inks the man’s forehead:

This is the father of Abdullah. This is Hussein, this is Hussein. If he [Allah] loves you, he will take you to heaven. I’m trying to make a Muslim out of you. Not with the regime or against the regime.
For those who sent you, [send them this message] tell them, “look what they’ve done to me?”
Say this to them: this is a message to those who hate Shia.

They sent me to you alive saying, Father of Abdullah (Hussein) if you try to come close to us Shia, we will f*ck your mothers…

I will even put a conjugation (the hamzeh) on it for you.

Say ‘hi’ to [Salafist Lebanese Sheikh Ahmed] al-Assir.”

The shocking footage comes amid reports by local media that an estimated 37,000 Syrians have left Lebanon in the last three days. (as of June 5)

As the linked report alludes to, it’s unclear what sparked the abrupt mass exodus, but if Syrians in the country feel they’re being harassed because of tensions over the current uprising against President Bashar al-Assad, that’s impetus enough to want to leave.

(h/t Ibn Boutros)