
Tuesday, May 07, 2013

The Economist hasn't corrected its mistake yet - plus, the truth about Susiya

It's been over a day since I revealed that The Economist made a crucial error in a May 4th article where they claimed that "So far this year, Israel’s army has evicted almost 400 Palestinians from the West Bank."

In fact, the number of Arabs evicted from the West Bank this year is zero.

I'm not sure who is the proper person to contact at The Economist to complain about mistakes like this. The best I was able to find was Heidi Wenyon, Group brand and communications executive, + 44 (0) 20 7576 8357 - assuming that The Economist cares about their brand enough to correct egregious errors.

The entire article was sickeningly biased, as I noted. To see the truth about Susiya - facts that The Economist will never show you - watch this video:

(h/t YMedad)