
Sunday, May 05, 2013

Sunday Links

From Ian:

Barry Rubin: How the Palestinians Trap Themselves and Drag the West Along
Today, though, the PA is in a box of its own making. It cannot win militarily against Israel, nor will it engage in serious diplomacy with Israel. During a recent public relations’ meeting in Washington, supposedly to show Arab state support for a two-state solution, the PA’s representatives glowered in making clear they weren’t interested in serious negotiations with Israel.
Peres slams UN HR group that depicts Israel as evil
President Shimon Peres on Sunday denounced the reports of the Geneva headquartered United Nations Council on Human Rights which invariably depict Israel as the evil doer rather than the victim, while never condemning the human rights abuses of those who attack Israel.
Scottish Church denial of Jewish land rights sparks ire
The Scottish Council of Jewish Communities said Friday that the paper is “an outrage to everything that interfaith dialogue stands for” and “reads like an Inquisition-era polemic against Jews and Judaism.”
"The arrogance of telling the Jewish people how to interpret Jewish texts and Jewish theology is breathtaking,” the Jewish council said.
The council further declared that the paper “closes the door on meaningful dialogue” and called on the church to withdraw it ahead of its forthcoming General Assembly.
Caroline Glick: Dershowitz and tragedy
There are two main reasons that many leftists who are viscerally supportive of Israel have difficulty understanding and defending the Jewish state today. First, the storyline about Israel is deeply distorted.
'Israel to join Turkey, Arab states to stop Iran'
Israel has been working toward a cooperative agreement in compliance with Turkey and three Arab states to implement an allied system of detection technologies to defend against Iranian ballistic projectiles, British newspaper The Sunday Times reported.
CAMERA: 'Flaky' Evidence, False Flags and Ha'aretz's Front-Page
So, one of the U.S. officials who apparently flubbed American intelligence on Iraq warrants front-page coverage for his outlandish allegations about alleged Israeli weaponry in Syria? And Wilkerson's record on Israel is no more reassuring. For instance, he has endorsed the discredited Walt-Measheimer study on "The Israel Lobby" as containing "blinding flashes of the obvious."
PMW: Father offers his son's blood for Palestine in PA TV song (version 1)

EU: Considering putting Hezbollah on terror list
Hezbollah's involvement in Syria is pushing European officials to seriously consider adding Hezbollah to it's terrorism list.
Buenos Aires Book Fair Promotes Iranian Anti-Semitic Theories
The Simon Wiesenthal Center called on the organizers of the Buenos Aires Book Fair to publicly condemn the “House of Islam” stand for its promotion of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.
Wold Jewish Congress to Combat Neo-Nazism at Annual Assembly
The World Jewish Congress will kickstart its annual assembly on Sunday to discuss alarming rise of neo-Nazi political parties.
Jobbik rally against World Jewish Congress in Budapest
Several hundred supporters took part, despite attempts by the government to prevent it going ahead.
Jobbik said the rally was a protest against what it said was a Jewish attempt to buy up Hungary.
Stand With US: ‘Israel Leads World Battle against Terror’
The Western world is increasingly realizing that the terrorist threat it faces is the same threat that Israel has faced for decades, says Avi Posnick of the StandWithUs Israel advocacy group.
Taking Israeli agritech on the road
Five Israeli companies bring their farming innovations on a five-city US roadshow
For CEOs of start-ups, spreading the word on a new idea or technology is a bit like being a missionary. In order to get people to believe in what you’re doing, you need to be a super-believer yourself, preparing your presentation to perfection, anticipating any questions or objections in advance, and anticipating opportunities waiting to be seized before they slip away.
‘Scandal,’ ‘Once Upon A Time’ stars in Israel
“There seems to be art and creativity everywhere, whether it was in the galleries of Jaffa or along the streets of Jerusalem … the creativity blows my mind because you can see that people want to live their lives to the fullest,” said Diaz.
America’s Voices in Israel, a division of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, brought over the potpourri of stars to give them a view of the country from beyond the headlines.