
Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Tuesday Links Part 2

From Ian:

Elliott Abrams: Irish Teachers Teach Hatred of Israel
One could pile statistic upon statistic, but that would be a vain effort when it comes to minds like those of the members of the Teachers Union of Ireland, who voted unanimously on the boycott; not one soul had the wit or independence of mind to object or to question. One can only pity the poor Irish student who might think for himself or for herself, might wish to spend a term in Israel at a place like the Technion, and might not share in the biases of the teachers. The message from teachers to students is pretty clearly “shut up.” And meanwhile, of course, no mention (much less boycott) by the Irish teachers of China, Saudi Arabia, Cuba or anyplace else where students are “struggling for the right to education under extremely difficult conditions” that include repressive governments, no academic freedom, political tests for admission to higher education–and in the Saudi case greatly restricted opportunities for girls. What a lesson to their students: ignorance, bias, bigotry, narrow-mindedness, and anti-Semitism wrapped in self-righteousness.
Israeli filmmaker says he’ll file police complaint about assault in France
According to Horowitz, the French reactions to his side of the story shifted when Gaëlle Milbeau-Rhodeville, the General Delegate of the International Film Festival of Aubagne, as well as the mayor of Aubagne, shifted their message to the press, trying to “lessen” the direction of Horowitz’s accusations, he said, and asking him to retract his story.
“They said, ‘We know it wasn’t anti-Semites or Arabs,’” said Horowitz. “But how do they know?”
Isi Leibler: Candidly Speaking: Sanctimonious Jewish bleeding hearts
We are entitled to expect Zionists not to behave like the naïve “fellow travelers” who during the Cold War blindly endorsed communist peace petitions which ultimately only promoted the interests of the Evil Empire. It is unethical and unconscionable for bleeding-heart American Zionist “friends” to display disrespect and intervene to thwart the policies determined by the democratically elected leaders of Israel or offer them patronizing advice on how best to ensure their security.
Israeli leaders praise ‘staunch friend’ Margaret Thatcher
Israeli leaders and legislators on Monday praised the deceased former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, speaking to her strong character and calling her a friend of the Jewish state. Thatcher, known as the Iron Lady, piloted the UK government for 11 years. She died Monday morning of a stroke at age 87.
Thatcher “was truly a great leader, a woman of principle, of determination, of conviction, of strength… a woman of greatness,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said. “She was a staunch friend of Israel and the Jewish people. She inspired a generation of political leaders. I send my most sincere condolences to her family and to the government and people of Great Britain.”
Ex-British PM Margaret Thatcher dies at 87
MK Avigdor Liberman, the former foreign minister, noted that Thatcher was the first British prime minister to visit Israel. “I remember well the tears she shed on her visit to Yad Vashem and the empathy she expressed for our nation’s past and future challenges,” he said, calling her a great friend of the Jewish people. ”Margaret Thatcher was a strong and courageous leader and stateswoman, who showed great foresight and was not afraid to act in the interests of her country and people.”

Mini-UAS Training & Simulation Center for Finnish Defense Forces (FDF)
Simlat Ltd., an Israeli Company, has been awarded a contract to deliver its UAS Training and Simulation systems to FDF as part of Mini-UAS contract awarded to Aeronautics Ltd.
Ormat to build $245m geothermal power project in Indonesia
Israel’s geothermal company Ormat Technologies has signed a $245 million deal to provide geothermal energy in Indonesia. The Yavne-based company will design the Sarulla geothermal power station in Sumatra and supply its Ormat Energy Converters to the new power plant.
Munich 11 athlete inducted to Sports Hall of Fame
David Berger, a weightlifting team member of the Israeli delegation to the 1972 Munich Olympics will be inducted into the National Jewish Sports Hall of Fame on April 21.
The American-born athlete won bronze and gold medals in the 1965 and 1969 Maccabia Games in Israel before he attended the Munich Olympic games and was part of one of the worst tragedies in Jewish history, where 11 Israelis were taken hostage and brutally murdered by Palestinian terrorists.
Israeli robot could be your next ‘milkman’
Israeli cows lead the world in milk production, and Israeli dairy companies have set up projects in far-flung places like Argentina and Vietnam to export Israeli know-how on feeding, milking, and raising cows. For many farmers in the developing world, Israeli know-how has fostered a revolution in milk production, enabling dairy farmers to triple or quadruple their output. Now, agritech start-up MiRobot is ready to bring the world the next big Israeli dairy farm innovation — a robot that will completely automate milk production, at a far lower cost than anything else available.
Oh crazy Israel! Rachel Johnson returns to the kibbutz where she and Boris worked
Almost 30 years ago I was a pale-skinned, fair-haired teenage girl visiting Israel for the first time with her even paler-skinned and fairer-haired older brother.
We'd come to work as volunteers at a kibbutz north of the Sea of Galilee, on the green banks of the Jordan river, just below the volcanic pointy hills of the Golan Heights and a few miles from Syria.
Stand With Us: 65 Things We Love About Israel in 65 Seconds


A Rock is a Bullet: The Consequences of Palestinian Rock-Throwing

Ahikam’s mother still keeps the rock that changed the trajectory of her son’s life and that of her family. “We always knew that rocks were weapons and we’ve been suffering from this rock for decades,” says Edna, holding the giant rock in her hand. “Because of this, one-third of my son’s brain is missing. He walks with a limp, has back problems, cannot feel with his right hand and suffers from a weaker right side. I take him to physiotherapy three times a week. I had so much hope for him when he was born, there was so much potential.”