
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday Links

From Ian:

Seeds of violence
Little has changed in the hostile atmosphere in the Gaza or the West Bank since the days of the second intifada.
In the end, if the Palestinians truly want to continue negotiations with Israel, Western states must make certain that the intentions of the Palestinian government similarly reflect peace. When we have a Palestinian budget which spends a bulk of its donated funds on armaments, there is impeccable evidence that ending the conflict with Israel is not an intention. Until that time comes the West must stop bankrolling Ramallah’s corrupt and terror-ridden bureaucrats.
Archbishop Tutu, revisit Israel!
THE LAST time Tutu visited Israel was way back in 1989. At the time, he offended many by insensitively saying about the Holocaust during a visit to the Yad Vashem memorial, “We pray for those who made it happen, help us to forgive them and help us so that we in our turn will not make others suffer.”
To say these words at that place in the heart of the Jewish state was deeply hurtful. Rabbi Marvin Hier of the Simon Wiesenthal Center called it “a gratuitous insult to Jews and victims of Nazism everywhere.”
IDF arrests 3 Hamas members in West Bank
IDF troops arrested three prominent Hamas leaders in the West Bank village of Jalqamus on Sunday morning, according to the Palestinian news agency Ma’an.
Islamist Children's Festival on Temple Mount
The festival was sponsored by the Al Aqsa Foundation and the Institute for Development of Al Aqsa and the Holy Sites. The theme was the strengthening of ties to the Al Aqsa Mosque and the commitment to its "liberation" from "the Israeli occupation."
Honest Reporting: Thoughts on “The World’s Largest Outdoor Prison”
When you get right down to it, Gaza’s Islamist overlords remain committed to perpetuating their control of the strip, their division with Fatah, and their agenda to destroy Israel. Dawber’s violin just sounds tinny and broken.
Hamas Arrests 'Collaborators' Following Amnesty Period
Hamas forces in Gaza have begun arresting suspected "collaborators" with Israel following a month-long period of amnesty.
Egypt's Coptic Christians live in fear of Islamic extremists
"I feel unsafe," said Samir, a high school philosophy teacher with a cross tattooed on her wrist. "The Islamists want war. They want strife. But this is our land too. It is a country blessed by God, and there's no way we'll leave it to them."
Four Copts arrested for complicity in Cathedral clashes
The Coptic Maspero Youth Union announced that Michael Morqos was arrested on Friday alongside three other activists. The union condemned his arrest, calling it an escalation against Coptic youth and likening it to Mubarak’s violations against Copts where “the violator is free and the victim gets jailed and humiliated”.
Report: Turkey nixes NATO meeting with Israel
An initiative to bring Israel and six Arab countries’ ministers together under NATO’s Mediterranean Dialogue group for the first time since 2008 has been nixed by Turkey and Egypt, Turkish daily Hurriyet reported Saturday.
Ankara and Cairo reportedly said “it was not the right time” for such a meeting.
Genocidal Muslim Country Warns of Genocide if Europe Doesn’t Accept Muslims
Turkey not only committed genocide against Christians, but it still lies about it and locks up its citizens who even mention the genocide. It’s also violently anti-semitic under its current Islamist government.
So that means the time is right for its government to hypocritically warn Europe that the failure to accept Muslim immigrants could lead to another Holocaust.
Swedish Social Democrats Oust Chairman of Islamic Association
Islamiska Förbundet has invited to Sweden speakers with known anti-Semitic views. The Swedish anti-racism magazine Expo revealed that one speaker invited by Mustafa, Egyptian Salah Sultan, had previously slandered the Jewish community in an interview with al-Jazeera by saying they kill Christians on Easter.
Judea Pearl to light memorial candle for slain son
Prof. Judea Pearl, the father of slain journalist Daniel Pearl, will light the memorial flame at the Jewish Agency’s annual Remembrance Day ceremony on Monday to commemorate Jews slain in terror attacks and in anti- Semitic incidents abroad.
Doctor who Fought Libel joins IDF Despite Cancer
David showed up for reserves duty during Pillar of Defense even though he is suffering from cancer.
“Physically it was very difficult,” he said, “but spiritually it was extraordinary. It’s very powerful to be part of the most important thing going on – protecting soldiers in the Israel Defense Force.”
David fought for years against an Arab story, widely published in the world media, accusing Israeli soldiers of shooting and killing a terrified Arab child, Mohammed al-Dura. He revealed in 2007 that he had treated the father, Jamal al-Dura, for wounds sustained in an Arab gang attack – injuries that al-Dura later claimed had been inflicted by the Israeli army.
Israeli medical start-up prepares to build a better bone
Make no bones about it: A one-of-a-kind factory is going up in northern Israel.
Scientists at the Haifa facility there will manufacture bones for use in bone grafts, and they’ll do so using a new technique — taking live fat cells from patients by liposuction –which, according to its inventor, Dr. Shai Meretzki, will significantly change the way doctors relate to orthopedic problems and bone repairs.