
Monday, April 08, 2013

Deadly clashes between Muslims and Christians in Egypt - again

I wonder, are any Arab Christians considering this season "spring"?

From Al Arabiya:
Egypt was on edge Monday after a night of violence outside Cairo's Coptic cathedral following the death of six people in clashes between Christians and Muslims, with President Mohammed Mursi promising an immediate investigation.

Calm was restored to the central neighborhood of Abbassiya in which police deployed in force outside St. Mark's cathedral and where several Copts were still gathered on Monday morning.

On Sunday, Coptic mourners had packed the cathedral for prayers to honor four Copts, who had been killed in sectarian clashes in a town north of the Egyptian capital that also left one Muslim dead.

As the mourners left the cathedral, they came under attack from a crowd who pelted them with stones, sparking violence that killed a Christian, 30-year-old Mahrus Hanna Ibrahim Tadros as well as a second victim who has not yet been identified.
Four of the Copts killed earlier were shot by automatic weapons.

Al Ahram adds:
Shops belonging to Christians were reportedly smashed by angry protesters. Reuters stated that some Christian and Muslim properties were burned.

Mourners exiting the Abbasiya Cathedral funeral on Sunday were first pelted with stones, which they responded to by throwing stones back. Soon gunshots were heard.