
Friday, March 15, 2013

EoZ getting some serious blog-lovin'

I just posted the video of Yossi Kuperwasser of Israel's Strategic Affairs Ministry telling me that the ability to take dry facts and make them appealing to my audience is "some sort of a gift you were given."

The Algemeiner, in discussing the UN/BBC story I reported on last week, describes me as "eagle eyed anonymous super-blogger Elder of Ziyon."

Ben Dror Yemini, writing in Maariv and also discussing that story, says

In the last campaign of "Pillar of Defense," it was a Palestinian toddler, Omar, the son of BBC journalist Jihad al-Mishrawi, allegedly killed in an "Israeli bombing", who became a symbol of Israeli aggression against the Palestinian victimhood. And again "rights organizations" stood up to point their finger against Israel. Human Rights Watch (HRW) quickly wrote this up, supposedly after examination and collection of evidence, accusing Israel. There was only one website, Elder Of Ziyon, who mentioned that it's not only Israel bombing [Gaza.]. The site's claims were rejected outright, even by the BBC.

Now, a few months passed, and the UN report said this week that the baby and others who were killed in the same incident were hit by a rocket fired from Gaza itself. This was not the first time that the Elder Of Ziyon site revealed distortions. [As one of] those who debunk of lies, I take my hat off to this site. Now and then he leaves me out of a job.

If you agree that EoZ is doing valuable work, you can still send me donations...

Have a Shabbat Shalom!