Switched at birth in Gaza?
Debunking "The Map that Lies"
English translation of the legal arguments in the Levy Report
Egyptian newspaper: "Death to the Jews"
Mahmoud Abbas' connections to the Munich Olympics massacre
Egyptian "scientist" claims NASA hiding proof of Quranic miracle
There were a number of similar posts culminating in this one:
How Muslims misrepresent Western science as supporting the Koran
Churchill and Wedgwood on Palestinian Jews, 1921
The Charlie Hebdo caricature of Mohammed (for some reason, my most popular post ever)
Masked terrorists with AK-47s celebrate "Mohammed - Messenger of Peace"
"We're not against Jews. We're against non-Arab Israeli citizens"
The fundamental dishonesty of Judith Butler
And I forgot about this one from June:
Islamic Jihad is coming after me, so I must defend myself.