Thomas Friedman and Ha'aretz whitewash a terrorist
Hamas leader: "Half of Palestinians are Egyptian, the other half Saudi"
Poster: Homocrites (and the post it was inspired by on "Homonationalism and Pinkwashing")
The "As-a-Jews" of the New York Times
How to misuse statistics: Israel accused of jailing too many journalists
Mike Wallace interviews Abba Eban, 1958
Ben White proves the hypocrisy of the anti-Israel crowd (may be the post of the year)
Latest nonsense from Shlomo Sand - "The Land of Israel is a myth"
Purpose of J-Street is not to reflect US Jewish opinion, but to change it
Arab political cartoons on the eve of the Six Day War (later turned into a video)
Gaza's kindergarten jihadist wannabes
Hilarious boycott of Israeli goods by tiny cafe in Olympia
Debunking the "Bride is beautiful, but she is married to another man" myth
Reuters vs. the truth about the Temple Mount