
Sunday, December 02, 2012

Hamas tells Europeans they aren't terrorists; their website says otherwise

From Ma'an:
Hamas and other Palestinian factions should be removed from international lists of designated terrorist groups, Gaza prime minister Ismail Haniyeh said Sunday.

"It is time to remove Palestinian resistance movements, that resist under international law, from the list of international terrorist groups," Haniyeh said during a meeting with a European delegation of politicians, academics and lawmakers.

"Hamas and other Palestinian factions are national liberation movements operating inside Palestine."
Besides the fact that Hamas brags about shooting rockets indiscriminately towards Israeli civilians, which is the very definition of terror, its Al Qassam Brigades website routinely praises past terrorists on their homepage.

Today, they are praising the terror attack in the village of Adora, on April 27, 2002. As described by the Jewish Virtual Library:
Apr 27, 2002 - Danielle Shefi, 5; Arik Becker, 22; Katrina (Katya) Greenberg, 45; and Ya'acov Katz, 51, all of Adora, were killed when terrorists dressed in IDF uniforms and combat gear cut through the settlement's defensive perimeter fence and entered Adora, west of Hebron. Seven other people were injured, one seriously. The terrorists entered several homes, firing on people in their bedrooms. Both Hamas and the PFLP claimed responsibility for the attack.
But they speak so moderately when they are speaking to Westerners! Shouldn't we reward them for their wonderful, soothing words?