
Monday, December 03, 2012

Another huge Monday linkdump

From Ian:

Douglas Murray: Palestinians: Abbas's Classic Thug Extortion Trick
"This is a classic case of diplomatic terrorism. If you don't hand over the money, their friend here is really, really mad, and they're only just managing to hold him back. And the world fell for it."

Why Hamas and Islamic Jihad Supported Abbas's Statehood Bid by Khaled Abu Toameh
"Hamas and Islamic Jihad celebrated because they think that the UN has paved the way for the establishment of an Islamist state within the pre-1967 lines. Like many Palestinians, the two Islamist states are confident that the countdown for the creation of an Iranian-backed entity in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem has begun.
The Palestinian Islamists's message to the Palestinians is: "Let Mahmoud Abbas take now whatever he can because we know that in the future these lands will be under our control."

‘We now have a state, Abbas declares, returning triumphant to Ramallah
President tells crowd of thousands ‘We won’ and dedicates victory to Arafat and martyrs
Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the state of Palestine,” Abbas added. “The world has said ‘no’ to aggression, settlements and occupation.”
Abbas dedicated the “achievement to the Palestinian prisoners and martyrs who dedicated their blood throughout the long national struggle.”

How Israel's Ceasefire Terms Are a Security Disaster
“The elimination of this cordon sanitaire, which protects the security fence, and therefore the country, will not only leave Israel more vulnerable to attacks by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists, but also invite "publicity stunts" by adversarial non-governmental organizations under the direction of Hamas leaders, such as, for example, the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). The ISM organizes riots and demonstrations, staging them for television cameras to make Israel look as if it is attacking Arabs, when in reality, Israel is responding to Arab attacks -- a detail the media usually leave out.”

PM says Palestinian incitement against Israel reflects root of the conflict
‘This is not a dispute over land, but a denial of the existence of the state of Israel,’ Netanyahu tells ministers
PMO: Special Briefing on Incitement in the Palestinian Authority
Presentation as a: VIDEO or PowerPoint

Israel to hold back NIS 450 million in tax revenues to PA
Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz confirmed that he would hold back NIS 450 million to offset a NIS 800 million debt owed by the PA to the Israel Electric Corporation.

Hey fellow liberals, it’s time to let the facts get in your way
"Within their excuses and rationalizations for the Hamas regime’s abhorrent actions – such as the targeting of Israeli civilians and the employment of Palestinian human shields – ran a familiar argument: That all means are justified, since the Jewish State is legally and morally illegitimate."

Hamas: State needs armed struggle with Israel By Khaled Abu Toameh
Osama Hamdan says Palestinian state without an armed struggle against Israel is an illusion, won't add anything for Palestinians.
"A Palestinian state without an armed struggle against Israel is an illusion and won’t add anything for the Palestinians, top Hamas official Osama Hamdan was quoted Sunday as saying."

Haniyeh to EU: Remove Hamas from terror organization list
‘We have no problem with Jews worldwide,’ claims Gaza’s Islamist PM, calls Israel the world’s biggest terrorist state

CIF Watch: The Guardian approved malice of Joseph Massad
‘Comment is Free’ editors have granted space to Hamas members on several occasions, so it is not surprising that they published a piece by an ideological extremist who has characterized Jews as “supremacists”, a term popularized by Gilad Atzmon and David Duke. Nonetheless, the sheer volume of lies and the degree of malice in his CiF polemic are both staggering.

BBC Watch: Undiluted propaganda from the BBC’s Jon Donnison
"Once again, Donnison absolves the Palestinians of all responsibility, framing them solely as passive victims of Israeli actions.
"Donnison manages to produce a ‘report’ which does a pretty good impression of being taken straight from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign propaganda handbook rather than anything approaching the standard of informative, accurate and impartial reporting which the BBC is committed to providing for its audiences."

BBC whitewashes Jenny Tonge
"To describe Jenny Tonge as a “frequent critic of Israel” is therefore akin to portraying the BNP’s Nick Griffin as having a passing interest in demography.
It is incomprehensible why the BBC should choose to highlight Tonge’s malicious fringe agenda – whilst whitewashing her shameful racism in the process."

Anshel Pfeffer and Haaretz Publish Hamas Disinformation After it Has Been Exposed
"The correction of the piece was made after it had already been widely publicized in English and circulated to readers worldwide, all the while ignoring the public information about the false accusation against Israel of culpability for Sadallah’s death that was available for at least five days prior to the publication of Pfeffer’s original column."

Jew-hating United Church members pretending to be self-hating Jews
"Independent Jewish Voices' claim that they are members of the United Church who
happen to be Jews is about as valid as someone who says they are a Sunni Muslim who happens to be a member of the Roman Catholic Church."

Hungary holds landmark anti-Nazi protest, after far-right lawmaker called to ‘screen Jews’ as security risks
Budapest rally is ‘the most important demonstration since Hungary became a democracy,’ says Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Israel director

Egypt won’t enter rink with Israel
Sports Minister Amer Farouq threatened to pull funding from roller hockey club if it played against Jewish state
"The Egyptian national roller hockey team on Friday boycotted a world championship game against Israel, reportedly on orders of Sports Minister Amer Farouq, who said he didn’t recognize Israel as a state, Israel Sports 5 reported on Sunday."

Tel Aviv Bus Attack Heroes Feted for Saving Lives
Security staff from the Ministry of Justice in Tel Aviv received awards Sunday for saving lives, and capturing a terrorist.

Alanis Morissette lands in Israel
Canadian chanteuse set to perform her first gig in Israel since 2000
"Morissette decided to expedite her arrival so that her family could enjoy a few days in Israel, including a visit to Jerusalem’s Old City."

Iron Dome sparks interest from potential buyers around world
"South Korea, Singapore reportedly in talks to purchase the missile defense system following impressive interception rate in last conflict with Hamas Clinton: The Iron Dome system knocked rockets out of the sky like never before."

Top Australian company buys into Israeli natural gas
Woodside Petroleum will pay up to $2.5 billion for a 30% stake in the Leviathan offshore
"Reuters reported on Monday that Woodside’s agreement also allows the company to be involved in future offshore exploration, via two already extant Israeli offshore petroleum licences. CEO Coleman said that this aspect of the deal was “an exciting opportunity to grow our portfolio in the emerging Eastern Mediterranean basin.”

Plus: Essential Apps When Under Fire