
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Writer accuses Jews of wanting to expand into Jordan

Al Madenah News  has an article by Dr. Sheikh Salim bin Eid al-Hilal claiming that Jews, today, are coveting the land of Jordan.

He puts a few real facts together with his fantasy:

  • Early Zionists were interested in settling both sides of the Jordan. Of course this is true, before the early 1920s there was never any political boundary between eastern and western Palestine - it was all one unit, which brings up the question of why today's Palestinian Arabs are only interested in the western part for their state. 
  • Early Zionists purchased land in Transjordan. Also true.
  • The Revisionist Zionists felt cheated out of the East Bank land after the British partitioned it off and called it Transjordan. True as well.
  • Jews say that parts of Jordan were parts of Eretz Israel. This is basic history, although this writer doesn't believe it.
Then he goes a bit crazy, claiming that a 1968 military clash between Israel and Jordan was an attempted land grab. And that Ariel Sharon planned to invade Jordan during the second Gulf War. 

Now, he is nervous that Jewish tourists visiting Jordan aren't really interested in Jordanian attractions - but in the (false, he claims) history of Jews in the area during the days of Joshua and King David!

Instead, he claims, not only have Jews failed to find any archaeological evidence of their ever being in the east bank of the Jordan River, but none on the west bank either!

Finally, the best part: The Jews, he says,  are releasing wild pigs, and hamsters, and wild dog/wolf hybrids, along the border and into Jordanian farmland, in order to vex the Jordanians and (presumably) to drive them out so the Jews can swoop in and take the land from them.

How deliciously evil we are! Not only do we breed pigs and wolves (and hamsters) that can distinguish between Jewish and Jordanian farmland, but we train them to swim as well across the river!