Now that the false rumor that Tzipi Livni slept with Arab politicians for extortion purposes gain has been fully believed by stupid Arabs, the obvious next step is for them to wonder what other prominent Jewish women did the same.
An article in Sudanese Online gives us the answer.
First, it mentions the treacherous Queen Esther, that beauty who ruthlessly seduced a Persian king, forcing him to marry her in order to save her people from genocide.
The article then fast-forwards to more recent times, saying that many girls slept with Moshe Dayan in order to further their careers, apparently using "pulsating lust."
We learn that Golda Meir also slept with Arab kings and leaders, which directly led to the establishment of the Jewish state in 1948, and later caused these Arab leaders to treat Palestinian Arabs poorly.
Surprisingly, the article failed to mention Monica Lewinsky, who is the usual Arab poster child for Jewish sexual ambition.