
Monday, November 05, 2012

More bizarre Fatah accusations of Hamas collaborating with Israel

Yesterday, Mahmoud Abbas' official spokesman declared that the PLO will release confidential documents - stolen, no doubt, by their crack intelligence services who are so secret that they are utterly unknown - that prove that Israel, Hamas and other countries are collaborating in sabotaging the PLO's bid to declare statehood at the UN.

Today, a Fatah spokesman upped the ante, claiming that Israel and Hamas are cooperating in the assassination of Mahmoud Abbas and the liquidation of the PLO's national aspirations.

Ahmed Assaf says that since the 2007 coup in Gaza, Hamas has accepted Israel's existence and Israel in return is pushing a temporary Palestinian Arab state in Gaza, which would be an Islamic emirate that Israel wants to establish on its border.

Assaf said that "it is a shame and disgrace that Hamas stands side by side with Israel in its designs."

He additionally charged that other Arab nations have joined the scheme to frustrate the PLO's move to be recognized as a non-member state at the UN, and that this is also a "shame and a disgrace."

The article also quotes Saeb Erekat, the PLO's chief negotiator and liar extraordinaire, of accusing Hamas of conducting secret contacts with Israel through intermediaries in Switzerland, negotiating a temporary state with provisional borders, the opposite of Hamas' claim that they demand a Palestinian state from the sea to the river.

Assaf said that Hamas' burning of Abbas' photo in effigy over the weekend in reaction to his pretense of abandoning the "right of return" an "offense and an assault on the consciousness and the will of the Palestinian masses." (Hamas also created posters of Abbas, with an Israeli flag behind him, opposite Lord Balfour with the British flag.)

The paranoia among Fatah and PLO leaders is growing, and there is no sign that their mass psychosis is going to slow down anytime soon.