
Monday, November 12, 2012

Arabic media now says Livni slept with Erekat!

After last week's fabricated reports that former Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni admitted that she had sex with prominent figures in order to blackmail them to do Israel's bidding, I suppose it was only a matter of time for some Arab "reporters" to start rumors as to who Livni supposedly slept with.

Even though the original rumor was that Livni slept with the enemy while working for the Mossad, the new rumors say that she slept with PLO figures Saeb Erekat and Yasser Abed Rabbo, presumably during negotiations.

The stories are saying that Livni admits that she outfitted the bedrooms with cameras to catch the naked Palestinian officials having sex with her, and that she threatened to post the videos on YouTube if they didn't concede to Israeli demands.

The latest version of this ridiculous story seems to have originated at the Charles Ayoub news site in Lebanon. The story has since been taken down after Saeb Erekat threatened a lawsuit, but it lives on in many other Arabic sites.