
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday links

From Ian:

As Syria bleeds, 'Human Rights Activists' can only target Israel By Rabbi Abraham Cooper
"Since the ill-fated 2001 UN Durban, anti-racism conference, visceral Jew-hatred masquerading as “anti-Zionism” has corrupted the discourse of the global NGO community. It numbs the world’s conscience, sometimes rendering it almost deaf and dumb at a time when the Mideast’s newest, truest crime against humanity—the violent displacement of almost one million Syrians—demands that moral voices be raised in unison and effective international action be taken.
The world’s far-flung Jewish communities, the Mideast’s exposed Christian minorities, and the Syrian people are all victims a false flag operation that deflects international attention from the crimes that should be its true focus. For this moment at least, we are all—Jews, Christians, and innocent Syrian Muslims—victims of history's oldest hatred: anti-Semitism."

Southern Israel: Living with Rockets, Miracles, and the Iron Dome
"Days and nights in southern Israel have been punctuated by a growing number of sirens and rocket explosions, with over 60 rockets striking Israeli cities and communities this past week. On Monday morning alone, 55 Qassam and mortar shells were fired from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip on the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah. The rocket strikes damaged buildings, properties and a kibbutz petting zoo that is usually filled with children, but was empty because of the early morning hour."

Will Free Gaza implode due to anti-Semitism scandal?
Analysis: Critics slam Movement founder for posting on Twitter blaming Zionists for Holocaust.
“The growing assessments about the future of FGM suggest that the organization has experienced irreparable harm and is now viewed as a kind of left wing neo-Nazi group. The open questions are, will FGM’s supporters pull the plug on its fundraising streams and will additional FGM advisory board members–like the US linguist Noam Chomsky and Archbishop Theodosius (Atallah) Hanna from the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem–resign from the FGM?”

Book tackles question of Jews among anti-Israel activists
Perhaps this could explain even a most recent event in Toronto; during a large demonstration across the street from the US consulate regarding anti-Islam film Innocence of Muslims, hatred for Israel and the Jews “ran so deep throughout the protest that one would have to be willfully blind to have missed it,” according to blogger Blazing Catfur, who documented the event. Yet the anti-Zionist posters and chants were almost totally ignored by the mainstream media.
“This book is an attempt to get to grips with the paranoid conspiracy-mongering on the left, which invariably parades as a humanitarian endeavour and a compassionate defence of the ‘oppressed’ or powerless against the might of the ‘Zionist-Crusader’ axis,” Wistrich states.
“This book goes to the heart of what has become a serious mental derangement in the hope that it may help the left (and others afflicted by the same malady) to regain their sanity.

Richard Millet Holocaust analogies and calls for Israel’s destruction at SOAS’ Centre for Palestine Studies.
The London Middle East Institute (LMEI), which is based at the School of Oriental and African Studies, used to give serious lectures. Not any more. The recently established Centre for Palestine Studies (CPS) now sits like a cuckoo in the nest of the LMEI.

Israeli lawmaker: Obama is no friend of Israel
On his book promotion tour in the U.S., Likud MK Danny Danon accuses President Barack Obama of "catastrophic" policies for Israel. Danon insists he is not interfering in the presidential race, but merely stating his personal opinion. Danon has praised Mitt Romney in the past.

Erdogan, sovereignty, and Israel
Turkish PM Recep Erdogan may have been entirely justified in his response to the recent aggression by Syria. However, his actions reek of hypocrisy given his vitriolic attacks against Israel
“Just as Turkey has the inalienable right to defend its citizens against acts of aggression and terror from Syria, so too does Israel have the right to defend its citizens from terror attacks by Hamas and those seeking to support them.
Instead of demanding an Israeli apology over the Flotilla, it is Mr Erdogan who is the one that should be apologizing to Israel for his entirely unjustified and vitriolic attacks in light of his government’s recent actions. Anything less, would be completely hypocritical.”

MEMRI: Former PA Minister Asfour Boasts: Many Israelis Killed Since PA Established

PMW: Postive reports in PA media about "settlers" and "Jewish period" in Jerusalem history
“Another rare statement was broadcast on PA TV when a Palestinian artist, introducing a painting, acknowledged that there was a Jewish historical period in Jerusalem”

Italian president joins Rome’s Jews in marking ’82 attack
Palestinian terrorists killed a Jewish toddler in the assault on city’s main synagogue
Renzo Gattegna, president of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, praised Napolitano for past condemnations of anti-Jewish sentiment and for his pledge to fight anti-Semitism, “even when it masquerades itself as anti-Zionism.”

Monument to Italian fascist angers Jewish group
Italian women’s group protests publicly funded memorial to Rodolfo Graziani
JTA – A new Italian women’s group has added its voice to protests over a publicly funded monument honoring the World War II-era fascist leader Rodolfo Graziani.

Israeli device maker to move to Mass
Argo Medical Technologies Ltd., an Israeli company that makes devices enabling paraplegics to walk, said Tuesday that it will open its US headquarters in Massachusetts and expects to hire up to 40 people here within the next three to five years.
The move was disclosed in dramatic fashion at the AdvaMed 2012 medical technology convention, where a US Army veteran who uses a wheelchair demonstrated Argo’s ReWalk device by climbing down from a podium with crutches and ambling through the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.

In Israel, biotech is a woman’s world
Israeli women are dominant in all three areas of biomedical engineering — inventions, industry and investment.
Women are the superstars of the vibrant Israeli biomed industry, filling leading roles as entrepreneurs, CEOs, funders and head researchers in this increasingly significant field.