
Friday, September 07, 2012

Mondoweiss passes a message from Hamas to "Occupy Charlotte"

Mondoweiss' assistant editor Allison Deger has posted this on the site:
The open letter below was posted anonymously the online forum Paste Bin, on September 3, 2012. I verified the authenticity with Stanley L. Cohen Esq. who indicated Hanneya drafted the statement with the intent of Cohen reading the letter in Charlotte, North Carolina, to Occupy Charlotte on Sunday, September 2, 2012, one night before the Democratic National Convention. Due to extenuating circumstances, Cohen did not read the letter.
The letter starts off and ends this way:
To the Bradley Manning Peace Camp at the Democratic Party Convention in North Carolina:

I wish that I could be with you today to read these words to you myself, but obviously I cannot, as I remain unwelcome in the United States. Instead I have asked my friend of many years Stanley Cohen to deliver this message of solidarity on my behalf.

I send the heartfelt greetings of the Palestinian people, as we salute you in your fight against the American military machine, against its secrets and lies, and against its vision of an American world order maintained through coercion and control. You bring your protest straight to the heart of the political system, there in Charlotte, and we are there with you in spirit, we Occupy Charlotte with you!

The American political process is now a global process—and we watch it from our corner of the world, waiting for some sign of change at the top. But meanwhile, it is the growing force from below that gives us hope. This movement is a global movement--our numbers are vast, we are legion, and we do not forget.

Thank you.

Ismail Hanneya
Prime Minister

September 1, 2012
Whether the letter is legitimate or not, we have seen Hamas seeks to use the radical Left as its partner in destroying Israel. Either way, the MW loonies believe it is true. This incident shows that not only do the Leftists happily accept Hamas' immoral support, but Mondoweiss - without so much as a hint of a disclaimer - actively acts as Hamas' message boy!

The comments are almost tearfully worshipful and thankful that MW is spreading Haniyeh's wisdom to the West. (One member and Hamas groupie, Joe Catron, who took the photo of Haniyeh that accompanies the article, actually says that Hamas "includes a liberal element" and only knee-jerk Zionists consider it terrorist.)

To Mondoweiss, Israel is the enemy that must be destroyed and Hamas is the friend who must be embraced.

Meanwhile, every day Hamas' own official Al Qassam Martyrs' Brigades website has articles supporting terror attacks against civilians and fondly remembering past attacks, complete with photos of grieving Israelis and coffins of Jewish victims of Hamas.

(h/t Max)